Archive for October 2016
October 25, 2016

Skater Skirt Vibes

With the weather being tricky, random, and unpredictable, I literally grab my skater skirt and said to it there there, it’s been a long time. When it comes to my wardrobe, I won’t wear certain attire second time around for a while, even years. Last time I wore this baby, I was turning 25, 2 years ago in counting (my, where has the time gone).

Skater Skirt
Skater SkirtSkater Skirt

I decided to finish the look with these thick Charlotte Russe heels(similar), my charlotte Russe necklace and my StyleGuruZak cuff bracelet

Skater SkirtSkater SkirtSkater Skirt

I did have the sweater you see my brother has on but it began to get hot and we didn’t know where else to put it. So the bro-ham decided to throw it on and have some fun. 

Teal Skater SkirtSkater Skirt

Are you guys feeling the outfit? Or do I need to sit it on down? OXOX StyleGuruZak
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October 20, 2016


5 CUTE FALL OUTFITS 2016. Need some ideas on how to dress in this weird bipolar weather, here are 5 transitioning outfits for the start of fall. I will be doing a second fall look book once its colder but for now here are 5 CUTE Fall Outfits 2016. Full blog will be up at . Don’t forget to like and subscribe StyleGuruZak...oxox zak. 

To say its fall, I am located where it feels like a hot summer day with a few winds from time to time. Even though the “rule” is to not wear white after Labor Day, I was feeling godly and wanted to throw on my all white attire, paired with a Charlotte Russe long floral kimono (comparable kimono). I finished the look with a pair of Amiclubwear Taupe Suede Ankle Booties (similar booties), a StyleGuruZak v shape necklaces, and a StyleGuruZak silver cuff bracelet

The thing I love the most, with no shorts or a skirt on, and felt refreshed and comfortable my fill attire on. What are some you guys favorite looks from the video above?

October 13, 2016

Easy Way to Apply False Eyelashes for Beginners | d.j.v. MIARAY Fiberwig Review

Easy Way to Apply False Eyelashes for Beginners! d.j.v MIARAY Fiberwig Review.

For the last couple of weeks, I have been using this fiber wig paint on false lash mascara, this product works for anyone who hates or does not know how to apply false lashes(ME) or either does not have the time and patience to apply them. It is super easy to apply on and smear free when taking off. I suggest curling your lashes beforehand to get the full effect. In the months I have applied the Paint-on false lashes, this product is used in my everyday work life because on a busy week who has time to apply false lashes each day? Not I say the cat.

This product is an inexpensive purchase that can be worn all throughout the day.  This product is $19.99 and you can be purchased directly from Amazon. If you have an Amazon account prime shipment is included.  Watch this video to get the full review and below is the direct link for the product. 

Thank you guys for watching! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe! OXOX StyleGuruZak

d.j.v. MIARAY Fiberwig

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October 04, 2016

Overalls for Fall

One Way to Wear your Overalls This Fall!
womens overalls
One of the hottest trend right now are overalls, with the souths blended weather floating, Saturday I decided to rock my overalls, with my orange pocket shoulder top, and a pair of black winter booties to complete the look. 

overalls for women

womens overalls

Ankle booties

Womens Overalls

The mornings are cold and mid-day becomes warm, rocking overall with long sleeves or an off the shoulder shirt is a look that is comfortable, casual, and cute. This is one the latest trends at the moment, so reach into the back of your closet, shake the dust off, and pull out a pair of your favorite overalls this fall. What are some of you guys favorite ways to rock your overalls?

womens overalls

overalls for women
womens overalls

Overall Forever21
Orange Shirt Forver21
Black Booties Amiclubwear (similar shoe link)
Purse Ross
Choker and Glasses