Archive for October 2021
October 19, 2021

5 Top Ways to Face Adversity

Top 5 Ways to Face Adversity


Hey Sis,

This past week was a doozy for me and if you don’t know, I am in the mist of a divorce and dealing with your past spouse and lawyers can be a lot. My advice “ Allow God to choose your spouse, not you”. 🥴 If I can be authentic with you, ya girl broke down about 3 times in the last week. But guess what I learned‼️ Breaking down is good because God is close to the brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18

If you know me, you know I don’t like to be down for too long. I like to go through my process, get my lesson and dip! So I jumped out my funk real quick, prayed, apologized to people, and have been keeping my spirit man high.

As you guys know, life always happens but we have to learn how to respond to our issues a little different. So I wanted to help someone who may be going through issues in this current season.

This is something you may want to pin 📌 in your notes for future reference.

1. Breath.  

Seriously take a moment and breath. Breathing (sometimes called diaphragmatic breathing) is a practice that enables more air to flow into your body and can help calm your nerves, reducing stress and anxiety. It can also help you improve your attention span and lower pain levels.

2. Alert 🚨 God on the situation. 

You may say but God knows/ sees what’s going on but he gives us free will to seek him first and involve him in our every day life. We just don’t let our true father know and as women we like to control the outcome instead of lay it at his feet. Learn to give it to him and as pastor T.D. Jake's said this past Sunday at Lakewood,  Go to God with a idk spirit and humble yourself to receive his instructions

3. Listen to his instructions.  

Sit in silence and listen. This is hard but with practice it can be done. Period 🙏🏽


4. Wait & Be Still.  

During this separation heading to divorce, being still has been one of the hardest things I had to do and to this day I am still learning and understanding what it really means to "Be Still" and God has been revealing to me specifically how to implement these steps in my life.


5. Find Scriptures about your situation and go over them daily

This helps renew your mind daily and also a good way to remember the the word.

Sis, you have to do this every-time because one thing I have learned, is that life will happen but how you respond to it will show growth in your walk. My therapist gave me some good advice in our last session. She said to use every situation as a guinea pig experiment to better myself.

I hope this encouraged you to use the authority you have and combat them issues with the word of God.💞