Archive for 2019
December 05, 2019

JIASTING Vanity Beauty Station Review

This vanity was shipped earlier then expected. Love that it’s mostly put together for you . Not much handy work. Very modern, cute, and classy. I just received and it’s already my favorite new spot to do my makeup. 

The chair that comes with it is sturdy and also easy to put together. The fabric used goes with pretty much and color scheme. 

A lot of reviews I noticed stated that they received damage good but my vanity came in, in perfect condition.
Overall love this this vanity.

Description item:

  • 2 IN 1 DESIGN: Flip Mirror, Open mirror this is an amazing dressing table, Which can be used as a desk after the mirror is closed.

  • ADEQUATE STORAGE CAPACITY: The left of the makeup table is an oversized storage space. It contains a organizers that can hold cosmetics up to 9 Inches in height. The right side is 2 large drawers.

  • FLIP TOP MIRROR: The mirror size is 16.73"*14.96". After the mirror is opened, It has a angle of Inclination. This is the most suitable angle to makeup yourself.

Podcast Episode 2: Daughters of the King

God is calling his daughter back to him. With many experience for the last few years Ive encountered with man (meaning people). God has really shown me that people will disappoint but he will never leave me nor forsake him. So he is shaking some things up in the natural and in the spirit to catch our spirits, to awaken us to see him, know him, and feel him. I hope you guys are encouraged.
Scripture Reference:
John 14:6
Psalm 118:8
Romans 8:28
1 Samuel 15:22

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November 24, 2019

Podcast: The Virtuous Women

This year God revealed what my assignment is and every force tried to battle me. I fought, I'm still fight, but no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I am strong, i am beautiful, I am virtuous!


I’m super excited to share with you all that I have lunched my new Podcast on all the platforms in the links below. God is doing some great things and I’m excited to share my journey, tips and help on how you can sustain your relationship with God by allowing him in the details of your your business, your planning, and your everyday life. Please sign up (subscribe) below to be updated. Welcome, I hope you guys are on encouraged.


October 26, 2019

Church Outfit Ideas

This week God has put in my heart that its all about seasons. Currently I'm in a season of transition where I had to go through a few storms to figure out some things within. But the sun is coming up and I fully understand what my purpose is here on earth. My mission is to help others here with there journey through Christ through speaking, writing, and styling. God wants his daughters to know that you don't have dress a certain way to be seen because how you dress, is how you will be addressed. 

There isn't a certain dress code for church but God gave me these idea to show people how they can style patterns and colors. With the weather changing I usually add tights or stockings underneath. I hope you guys enjoy these looks. Video below. Be bless!

Church outfit_Zakia

Outfit #1
Shirt: HM
Long Vest: HM
Pants: Forever21
Shoes: JCPenny
Earrings: UniqueEditions

What to wear to church_Zakia

Unique Editions Earrings

Outfit #2
Dress: Old Navy
Blazer: Goodwill
Shoes: JCPenny
Earrings: UniqueEditions

Church Outfit Flatlay_Zakia

Outfit #3
Dress: Vintage
Jacket: BooHoo
Shoes: JustFab 

September 13, 2019

End of Summer Weekend Outfit-Faith Journey Update

This week was all about surrendering. Letting go and allowing God to take over and have his way when in the beginning he already has complete control. Its hard to let go of the things you think mean the most to you but in order to get to the next steps in life and really see the abundance God has for you, you have to surrender it all.

We are coming up in the next season of this year and there are some things that God wants to do in our lives. But there are also somethings that are holding us back. 

The word for the week is transform.
Meaning: Make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of.

This brings me to the scripture Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

In this current state, I am working on some things within. The holy spirit is sharing with me in order for me to get to the next step. Its some things I needs to surrender. Whether its social media, my attitude, TV, lying, conversations, certain people or drama. I have to cut some things out, walk away from some situations, and remove myself from chaos in order for him to move in my life. Less of me and more of him. Sometimes we may look at this as its hurting us but in the end it was only meant to help us. One way to start the process is to change, we have to renew our minds.

 I don’t know who this is far but God is asking you to surrender some things in order to get to that next step. Think about what  you just read, process it and let God in (which by the way, he’s already within).

Style Details
Pink dress: Ross
Sun Hat: Dollar store
Shoes: Citi Trends
Sunglasses and Earrings: ZJewels

August 31, 2019

Big CHOP!!! Watch Me Rock this Short Hair

Let’s just say its 2020 already and my baby will be 1. Times is just going by. But despite the time, I wanted to share my “Watch me Rock this short hair” story.
Ok guys so first thing first! I love love lovveee my hair. In my last trimester, I started noticing my hair follicles and roots. The moment I had my baby boy I noticed month after month, my hair was falling out.
By month 4 I was contemplating then I felt the urge to do it. So I called my brother, I had my clippers so went to slicing and dicing my hair. I didn’t wear my real hair out for 2 months after because I wanted to figure out how I wanted it styled. And I found the perfect haircut for Zak.
I get questions like: Why I did it?, am I ok?,  am I having a midlife crisis? And to answer those questions it more about me and where I am in life. I’m to a place where I don’t care about the opinions of others because most people give advice based off their own experiences and fears.
You have to do what’s best for you. I honestly don’t have time for hair. I have an 8 month old, a 9-5, and a business to run. The holy spirit whispered, cut that off. So guess what?!?!? I cut it.
I wanted something different. I was entering a new journey in my life (my 30th) and the cut just added a spike to my life. I feel great, I’m taking care of me, reading books, and feeding my spirit man.
It’s funny that folks always think you’re going through something to make you do something dramatically different. I love change, in change comes opportunities. I am not my hair but not having much of it has surely has me in a good space spiritually, physical, emotionally.
Do what’s best for you. Be the change you want to see, pray, and let the holy spirit guide you.

I’m loving my new look and I hope you guys too as well.

Don’t forget to subscribe, like, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask
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Instagram: @authenicallyZ
Facebook: StyleGuruZak
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Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored video.


April 16, 2019

Mommy Edit: New Mom Blog

Photo Credit: RT Solutions

When I tell you life can throw you some curve balls. But sometimes you have to take them, accept them, process it but continue to move forward. Time is precious and valuable, so obstacles may arise but pushing through and never quitting should be the number 1 priority when it comes to your dreams. See the devil may try to steal, kill, and destroy you mentally but remember with Christ you can do all things through him who strengthens you.

 Photo Credit: RT Solutions

I’m a strong believer when it comes to my faith in the Lord. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be in the space I am now. My year so far hasn’t been the best but I’m making it the best it can be. Being a new mother can be a struggle especially when you are; breastfeeding, your hormones are up and down, not getting proper sleep, on top of having to go back to work and then dealing with the struggles of life. Life can be extremely overwhelming but one thing I have realized is that taking care of yourself is crucial because if you’re not right inside and out nothing else will be. 

Photo Credit: RT Solutions

This season I’m in a space where my prime focus is taking care of me internally and raising my child into the man God intends him to be. I have to keep moving but also “Be Still” because having the responsibility of someone looking up to you and sensing everything around them is important to me. I must say my baby is such a delight. He was born at the right moment at the right time. I never thought I would be so proud of me for what I have accomplished and where my life is and will be. Life is a journey and I’m here for the ride. Taking it one day at a time. Happy 6 months to my Meechy Meech. I’m super proud of your progress and ready to observe the type of person I’m here to assist you to be. Mommy loves you unconditionally.OXOX

Photo Credit: RT Solutions

Photo Credit: RT Solutions 

Photo Credit: RT Solutions