Archive for February 2022
February 25, 2022

Top 3 Things You Should be Cautious About When it Comes to Your Kids


With so much going on in the world like the multiple suicide, death, and kidnapping. I am a true believer, that if we can identify the little things early on in our children's journey, we guide them in the right path. 


For the past 2 years, I have set down and began to monitor what my child is watching, looking at, singing, the whole 9. With so many ways the enemy comes in, we as parents should be aware of our kid's eye/ear gates as well as ours. The devil is busy prowling like a lion and he’s especially going after our kid's childhood. God has put me on assignment this year to make you aware of a few things as parents to watch-out for. See below for my top three things so far this month.

  1. What they're watching 


I love YouTube but after watching my baby’s screen time over time, I realize that it is not for kids. It doesn't matter how much you monitor or put parental controls on these devices, these kids will either find another way to get to it, or YouTube somehow still shows them similar suggested videos.

My suggestion: Erase the app.

Examples below.

  • A man in a dress and an IT figure in a LIVE video.

  • Aliens saying Give It to me. Dame tu cosita, ah ah, Dame tu cosita, ah ay. English translation Give it to me, ah ah. This video has over 500 billion views and I'm sure 90% are young kids under 5 years old. 


    Though the literal translation of the word "cosita" is innocent enough (it means "little thing"), the chorus of this ditty is dripping with sexual innuendo. Just like the "it" in the English translation given above, "cosita" most likely refers to someone's genitalia, so this song isn't one for the kids but is on YouTube kids.

  • Women bent over on a spider-man YouTube video

  1. Cultural Practice

Lately, I have been seeing parents incorporate gentle parenting into motherhood.

Did you know gentle parenting was created by an atheist? Don't believe me? Look up Diana Baumrind

I am not here to tell anyone what/how to parent, just want you to research everything that society is making trendy. Remember we are in this world but not of it.

  1. British nursery rhymes

Have you ever wondered why a lot of songs come from Britain or are British? Why are songs repeated in history, generation after generation? Well, you wouldn't believe this, a lot of the songs our children are singing at school are depicting death upon them. Some rhymes have multiple meanings but these are a few that stuck out to me during my research over the past 3 years and they are not songs we sing in my home. I don't sing any of the nursery rhymes due to the historic origin of them all. My advice: Do your homework.

  • Ring around Rosey- The fatalism of the rhyme is brutal: the roses are a euphemism for deadly rashes, the posies a supposed preventative measure; the a-tishoos pertain to sneezing symptoms, and the implication of everyone falling down is, well, death

  • London bridges-London Bridge Is Falling Down” rhyme refers to the use of a medieval punishment known as immurement. Immurement is when a person is encased into a room with no openings or exits and left there to die

  • Humpy dumpy- meaning a person or thing that once overthrown cannot be restored.

  • Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush- Lucy Locket is about a famous spat between two legendary 18th Century prostitutes. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush originated, according to historian RS Duncan, at Wakefield Prison in England, where female inmates had to exercise around a mulberry tree in the prison yard.

  • Baa, Baa, Black Sheep-a song that alludes to slavery. The reasoning here was that the titular “black sheep” was a reference to African slaves, with the wool referencing them being forced to work on farms

For more research, I love this BBC article on nursery rhymes:

Again, this blog is not to bash, condemn, or point the finger. I am here to make you as a mother, aware of how the enemy prowls so that the weapon may be formed but you have the ability to not allow it won't prosper. Please take the time to research the things that involve your kids, monitor them, take time with them, and do not allow society to tell you how to raise your child. Ephesians 6:4 states to train them in the instructions of the Lord. Go to God about what to do, not people, YouTube, or the world."Culture can't teach you how to raise a kingdom kid." It'll never work. 

I hope this blessed you. If so, hit me up on IG @zaklgrace and let me know in my DM's.

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February 24, 2022

How to Instill Faith with Your Child at a Young Age



Hello! Welcome to AuthenticallyZ, where I help you refuel your faith, work on your image, & tackle motherhood. I did a Live on IG on how to instill faith with your child at a young age. This article is not to tell anyone how to parent their children but simple tips to train up your child so they won't depart as the word of God says.


As I think about motherhood, the first thoughts for me are the future. I think about the day my baby leaves for college and start his new life. I never want to be that mother that doesn’t have a life without baby. In order for that to happen I want my son to know how he can solely lean on God, not always me. I will always have an open communication with my baby but I want him to have direct connections with God. Below are some tips on how to instill faith with your child at a young age.

1. Teach them about God and who he is. 

I used to make jokes about how God sees all with my baby but I don't want my baby to be scared of God but have respect for him so he won’t rebel against himself. God told me to teach him who I am and show him the way, my truth and my light.

2. Create a daily routine

Pray every night and morning with them. Trust they will begin to remember. Around eating time. I started praying with my baby at 6 weeks and he is now 3 and know how to pray. Take the time to train them, the impact will make a difference in their lives.

3. Live out faith in front of them.

We are our children's first heroes whether we want to or not. Our job is to introduce God to them so they can have a relationship with him. That starts with surrendering our kids back to God. One thing I never want for my baby to do is not known what real emotions are and try to hide my feelings. I want him to know emotions but understand how to turn worry to God instead of focusing on the problem at hand.

4. Incorporate Christian music in their lives

Instead listen to songs that can destroy them. Try listening to Christian music from time to time. So they begin to understand the difference. And explain the difference between secular/ Christian music.

5. Heal if you have hurt within.

"Heal before your child has to heal from you."

By healing and allowing God to do work within you. Your children will see the fruit of it. And get to experience something better. With these kids, you can't say it's what I say, not what I do. They will not go for that. They are coming out asking questions, and demanding answers and I don’t blame them.

5 Things that Can Alter Faith in Your Child

These are tips based on the damage I felt I experienced as a child. Also, from surveying family and friends with questions. Think about what happened to you as a child and do your best not to plant the same seeds.

1.What they're watching

Certain TV shows have subliminal message that sits in your child mind. One thing I love to do is monitor what my baby is doing and watching. Back in December I started realizing an aggression with my child began to have over YouTube kids so I pulled it. The stuff that was coming on and the things he was clicking on truly disturb me as a mother. See…. Watch what their watching and see how they are responding

2. Not keeping a child in a child's place

Don't get upset if your child is reacting a certain way based on the responsibility you've put on them.

Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.

3. Not watching their surroundings.

I remember I had to change school 6 months because my baby’s old daycare couldn’t provide my son with some of the disciplinary, I needed him to have as I was at home like saying no sometimes to things he didn’t’ need, babying him, and showing him how to clean up after himself.

4. Disciplining them out of constant anger.

Are you whooping them because they are just being a kid or are you beating them? To me, if you are beating them, remember what beating did to you. Some of us are in therapy now for those beatings. Never release anger on them, this is an easy way for a kid to retain generational curses and instill rebellion in them. Go back to the scripture below.

Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.

5. Not practicing what you preach.

Not practice what you are preaching is a sure way for your child to do the opposite of what you’re telling them. So, if you are not exemplifying the instruction, don’t expect them to do so as well.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog today. If you need some encouragement in faith, mother, and image, don’t sign up to the tribe to receive weekly encouragement and get a BTS of me in the process of writing my book on my story. XOXO Zak

February 17, 2022

5 Scriptures to Pray Over Your Child Daily


Happy Friday! I hope your day is filled with love, peace, and productivity. Lately, God has had me in a state of deep intercession for the little ones, especially my baby because I don’t know about you guys but growing up as an adult, I had to relearn a lot that stemmed from childhood trauma. In my journey of faith, I have made it a priority to make sure I intercede for my baby now for later attacks that may try to arise. During this process, God spoke that this needs to be a daily routine as mothers, grandparents, aunts, teachers, or even a Godparent.

Today we are diving in a few scriptures you can pray over your children daily. One thing I’ve learned when it comes to prayer is that we may not always see immediate results or the results we expect but God will always change something in us. These are a blessing to me so I know they will be a blessing for you. I literally cried.


5 Scriptures to Pray Over Your Child Daily


1. Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.


Prayer: Father help me to begin training up my children in the way they should go, so they will not depart. In Jesus name, Amen.


2. Ephesians 6:4

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. 


Prayer: Father help me to be more like your son Jesus so I won’t provoke my children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of you.  

In Jesus name, Amen.


3. Proverbs 20:7

The righteous who walks in his integrity— blessed are his children after him! 


Prayer: Father, thank you for being my father, my protection, my love. Holy spirit, thank you for guiding me to walk in integrity each and every day so that my children are blessed and my children’s children’s are blessed. In Jesus name, Amen.


4. Psalm 115:14

May the Lord give you increase, you and your children! 


Prayer: Father, Thank you for increase! Increase in my heart, increase in my mind, and an increase in my soul and that because you have instilled these things to me, you will bless my children. In Jesus name, Amen.

5. Proverbs 13:24  

Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. 


Prayer: Father thank you for this gift you have given me. Thank you for motherhood, thank you for giving me the ability to birth this child. Father when it comes to disciple, help me to discipline my child to your liking how you would discipline me. Father may all anger, agitation, and disguise leave my spirit and renew my mind to see my children the way you see them as precious gems from heaven even when they don’t act like it. In Jesus name, Amen.

Click below to grab you a copy of “5 Scriptures to Pray over your Child Daily” and watch how this blesses you as much as it did to me. You can put this in your prayer closet, your fridge, your work desk, your bathroom, even your car.