Black History Month | Motherhood & Lifestyle Blog
February 28, 2020

Black History Month

This week my son and I are representing the end of the Black History with some of our past great leaders (thanks Target). With this month ending, I wanted to list a few of my favorite quotes of the names listed on my shirt.

One of my favorites is Harriet. I don’t know if you saw the movie but it’s a must see. It really showed the greatness Harriet did for the black community. The way I’m walking in Christ now is the same as Harriet did. She leaned on God to lead her every step of the way and she was able to free slaves and leave a legacy because she was obedient to the Holy Spirits voice. Just know that when you’re in this journey of life you will touch someone around you because they will literally see the goodness of Jesus on your life and its nothing you will have to say to them to force them to follow in your steps. Remember to “be the change, you want to see”.

Ida B. Bells

Maya Angelou

Fannie Lou Hamer

Harriet Tubman

Sojourner Truth

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