Since were in the season of love (VDay) One thing I’ve learned during my journey of faith is that you can’t properly love others if you’re not loving (taking care) of yourself. You may love other but when you start to get aggravated because your doing to much you’re not properly loving them.
You may ask what do you mean Zak. Let’s go deeper.
Last year I came to this realization that I was not fully taking care of myself and haven’t done so ever in life until last year. I felt like I was on autopilot and things got touch I bend but didn’t break. I now speak, walk, and talk in my now I was delivered, I arrived, I became free all in the mist of chaos.
If you’re giving others your all, doing it all, and feel empty by the time your done(2 Corinthians 9:7). Stop what you’re doing and see how to love you first then love others.
In order for you to pour into others you have to stay full in God (Psalm 16:5-11). That means having daily time with the Lord. Praying instead of worrying (Philippians 4:6-7), and talking to him through big down to the smallest decisions and details(Psalm 37:23).
This means pampering not only your physical body but also pampering your inner beauty to stay the course (2 Corinthians 4:16). Get into your word, take weekly soaks, lotions you skin with oil, have self care Saturdays, get messages, write in your journal, do something that makes your heart smile for you (3 John 1:2).
This is one that really took time for me to grasp. Basically time is a precious thing, don’t waste it on unnecessary chatter, unresolved arguments, and wasting on people who don’t respect it. Learn how to use the word “no”. The word “no” may actually hurt someone’s feeling but you’re not harming them. Remember that: It may hurt to tell someone no but you’re not harming them.
If you are scared to tell someone no because you think they wont be involved with you, please reevaluate and redefine that relationship because that’s people pleasing, which is an another topic for another day.
While in the mist of taking more care of me. God put it in my heart to make sure to eat properly and drink more water. A lot of weight comes from what we put in our temples (the body). What you sow is what you reap (2 Corinthians 9:6). That can be physical as well. You continue to sow McD, you will reap unhealthiness, fatigue, and tiredness.
When it comes to hydration, your daily percentage of water intake should be 20%. Google it. This is something I’m still working on. But the holy spirit let me know when I just need to stop what I’m doing and go drink some water.
I use to say sleep is a distant from of mine. In 2020 we about to reevaluate our friendship to become besties. You can’t do what God calls you to do properly with out sleep. Now for me this means a good four hours or 5. I don’t sleep 8 hours straight unless I’m on a cruise, on certain vacay, or home alone. I don’t know who does but I’m working on this. (2 Corinthians 4:16)
5. Listen and Ask the Holy Spirit
5. Listen and Ask the Holy Spirit
Let me tell you, that something that you keep speaking of has a name and the more you acknowledge him, God will bless you. The holy spirit will protect you, save you, and never harm you in many situations. When it comes to all the steps above, the holy spirit is right there directing my path. I can literally just be at my desk and the holy spirit will let me know when I just need to stop what I’m doing and go drink some water. So listen to and ask him: what should I eat for breakfast, can I have a donut? Is today a salad day? What should I be drinking? Some may thing you’re insane but when you live to see 90 and there dead (straight up) then well see whose insane (Romans 8:14).
On that note: I hope these tips help someone. Happy valentine’s day to all the beauties and gents. I hope you guys are encouraged, have an awesome weekend.