How to Put God First in Everything as a Single Mom | AuthenticallyZ: Where motherhood, healing, and purpose come together
January 09, 2023

How to Put God First in Everything as a Single Mom


Happy New Year! 

Last week I talked about 6 Ways to Prepare for the New Year as a Single Mom. Over the next few weeks, I am going to be breaking down each suggestion I spoke of to allow you to get a better understanding of how you can tackle this year with ease.

The very first suggestion is all about putting God first. We hear so many people say put God first but do we understand how to practically incorporate this in our lives this year? You may ask, What are the steps? Where do I start? What does this look like? No worries queen, I've got you covered.



Putting God first in everything is a matter of prioritizing your relationship with God and seeking to align your actions and decisions with His will. I have learned he has to come first and I must look to him as a single mother because as we all know, it's not easy.

Here are a few practical steps you can take to put God first in your life:

1. Set aside time for daily time with God, prayer and studying the word for yourself.

2. If you can, look for a church home in your community and get involved in the community of believers.

3. Seek out opportunities to serve others especially when times are tough or you get lost. This always helps me find my way back to the father.

4. Make decisions based on what you believe is God's will for your life, rather than just what will benefit you in the short term. The worst thing you can do is make a mistake and move in haste based on emotion.

5. Surround yourself with people who can support you in your efforts to follow God.



Remember that this is a process, and it may take time to develop habits that help you put God first in everything. Be patient with yourself and seek guidance from God and other believers along the way.



From Sister to Sister,

Queen to Queen,

Mother to Mother 

You got this! ✨